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AESP, Association of Energy Service Professionals
ANGA, Alabama Natural Gas Assoc. 
AGA, American Gas Assoc.
AGC, AGC of America
APGA, American Public Gas Assocation
API, American Petroleum Institute
APWA, American Public Waterworks Association
AREMA, American Association of Railway Engineering and Right of Way Association
ASCE, American Society of Civil Engineers
AUG, Arizona Utility Group
CGA, Canadian Gas Association
CGA, Common Ground Alliance 
DCA, Distribution Contractors Association
EAP, Energy Association of Pennsylvania
EEI, Edison Electrical Institute
EUCA, Engineering & Utility Contractors Assoc.
FNGA, Florida Natural Gas Association
IEA, Indiana Energy Association
KGA, Kentucky Gas Association
MANGO, Missouri Association of Natural Gas Operators
MEA, Midwest Energy Association
NARUC, National Association Regulatory Utility Commissioners
NGA, Northeast Gas Association
NTA, Northeast Trenchless Association
NWGA, Northwest Gas Associaiton
NWOGA, New Mexico Oil & Gas Association
NUCA, National Utility Contractors Association
NAPSR, National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives
NASTT, North American Society for Trenchless Technology
NASSCO, National Association of Sewer Service Contractors
NLC, National League of Cities
NULCA, National Utility Locating Contractors
OGA, Ohio Gas Association
Ontario Plumbers & Inspection Association
PCCA, Power & Communications Contractors Association
SGA, Southern Gas Association
TGA, Texas Gas Association
VURS, Virginia Utility and Railroad Safety
WEF, Water Environment Federation
WEI, Western Energy Institute
WRG, Western Regional Gas Association
WUA, Wisconsin Utility Association
ASU, Arizona State Univ., Construction
CUIRE, Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education
GTI, Gas Technologies Institute
TTC, Louisiana Tech Trenchless Technology Center
UT, University of Texas, Engineering
WATERLOO, University of Waterloo, Canada, includes CATT
PHMSA, U.S. D.O.T., Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
U.S. Dept of Labor, OSHA

Comments to the participation:

The Participating Associations list is the current list of groups that will be asked to participate in the creation of Leading Practices for Cross Bore Safety.

Confirmation of acceptance of the terms of participation is pending in many cases.

Consult the association managers to confirm status.

In recognition of the services to the general public, agencies and educational institutions are granted participation without membership in a participating association.

This list will be updated as additions and confirmations are made.

For more info please consult the Leading Practices webpage.