Introduction to Leading Practices for Cross Bore Risk Reduction, February, 2020, 14 pages, 1.5 Mb
Preventing and Eliminating Cross Bores - Increasing Safety and Reducing Risk
Eliminating Cross Bores Gains Momentum - Article, May, 2008
High Confidence - Essential Elements for Cross Bore Elimination Projects
CBSA Direction and Focus Discussion
Presentations / Slide Shows:
Leading Practices Presentation for Cross Bore Risk Reduction
PowerPoint, 17 Mb or
PDF, 30 Mb Versions
NARUC Dallas July, 15 2014 Presentation, 17 Mb PowerPoint
Canadian Institute, Calgary-Pipe Line Safety, 29/5/13,3 Mb PDF
Inspections for Eliminating Cross Bores - SGA, July, 2012, 4Mb - 36 Slides PDF version
Preventing Cross Bores - Solutions & Progress February, 2012
5 Mb, PDF Version
Cross Bores - Mike Kemper, NPL Construction Company
7 Mb, PDF version
Preventing Cross Bores-An Overview of Vectren's Process - Jennifer Fisher, Vectren
3 Mb, PDF Version
Cross Bore Prevention - A Canadian Utility Perspective - Jason Samara and Clifford Clark, Enbridge Gas Distribution Company
7 Mb, PDF Version
Planning and Execution of an Effective Cross Bore Elimination Program - Hydromax USA
5 Mb, PDF Version
New Technologies Build on Current Success for Utility Location and Cross Bore Elimination - Mark Wallbom May 2010
3.5 Mb, PDF VersionCross Bore Safety Assoc Presents at the Minnesota Summit March 2010
Beginning the End of Cross Bores
(2009 PowerPoint Presentation, 5 Mb converted to PDF format)
Sanitary Sewer Cross Bore Inspection Process - 4 SlidesCCTV & GPS Cross Bore Locating in Sewers - Courtesy Cues, Inc.
CBSA at CGA 2008 Presentation - 4.4 Mb, 59 Slides