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Leading Practices for Cross Bore Safety Subcommittees

                                            Description of Committee Scope

                To Participate: Contact Subcommittee Chairperson by Clicking On Name

Information for Joining Subcommittees: 

CBSA Members and Members of Participating Organizations can
participate in the Leading Practices for Cross Bore Safety creation.

See the details in the Registration Form. Click here

Go to the Participating Organization List to verify determine
if you are eligible.


Subcommittee Chairpersons of CBSA Best Practices for Cross Bore Safety

Stakeholder Awareness  -  Chairperson Tyler Boyes -  Union Gas

Methodologies for stakeholders who are involved in potential safety issues associated with cross bores.  Efforts include listings of targeted groups including but not limited to utility staff, customers, plumbers, all owners/operators of underground infrastructure, municipalities, rental tool companies, underground contractors and industry trade groups.  Several methods of communication will be included.


Construction  -  Chairperson Mike Kemper  -  Canadian Contracting Corp.

Construction practices associated with trenchless installation methods which minimize the incidence of conflicts between installed/newly installed/repair/replacement facilities and existing underground systems.  Construction pre-planning and verification of location of crossing systems including inspection of all potentially conflicting underground utility systems.


Legacy  -  Chairperson Brian Mattson  -  Digital Control Inc.

Strategies for determining which portions of existing distribution systems have highest likelihood of cross bore incidences.  Systematic approaches to inspect identified locations based on accepted industry standards and methodology to create meaningful records.


Risk Analysis  -  Chairperson Mark Wallbom  -  Hydromax USA LLC

Suggestions for adoption of national and international approaches to quantify potential risk and create defendable methods to reduce potential liability associated with cross bores.  Tracking of program costs to justify programs or program expansion based on risk levels.


Legal  -  Chairperson Mark Bruce  -  Can Clay Corporation

Identification of legal issues which potentially limit the utility company or contractors from conducting cross bore inspection programs.  Determine best solutions for access to primary and adjacent gravity drainage systems for the purpose of inspections including permitting if required.  Analyze the impact, potential effectiveness and limitations of the recommendations of the Best Practices that are developed   as related to liability or responsibilities associated with cross bores and with repairs of discovered cross bores.


Data Management  -  Chairperson Joe Purtell  -  Cues Inc.

Definition of minimal data required, including quality of data, to determine absence of cross bores and track progress up to and including GIS based data systems providing robust access to all captured information.  Data maintenance, formatting, cloud storage, accessibility of access to data either within existing GIS platforms or with 3rd party software solutions.  Exchange mechanism for sharing of data including but not limited to local gravity system operators and governmental agencies.